
Halasana (Plough Pose) – Steps to Do, Limitations, Benefits and Check Points

Steps to Do

  1. Both leg lift up to 45 degree with partial inhalation.
  2. Again up to 90 degree with full inhalation.
  3. Buttocks up from the ground legs parallel to the ground above the head, then exhale.
  4. Now the final position; toes rest on the ground above the head. Hands keeping straight on the ground, palm facing down. (Variation: Hands stretch over the head and rest on the ground.) With normal breath hold comfortably, concentrate on the navel centre.

Halasana Plough Pose


B.P, Spondilitis, Cronic Constipation, suffer from sciatica and slip disc should avoid Halasan practice.


It gives stretch to the back and neck, so nerves get rejuvenation, effective for thyroid and adrenal glands. Improves the operation of sympathetic nerves system; increase blood circulation to the whole area. It is good for dyspepsia. Constipation due to weak abdominal muscles. Activates, warms up and lightens the psycho-physiological system. It is also useful for asthama, bronchitis, urinary tract and menstrual disorder.

Check Points

Legs keep straight, no bending at the knees; buttocks should not lean to the side. Hands keep straight. Chin stuck to the small hole of throat.